Friday, May 15, 2009

"TAZROC" in the " Estria Invitational Graffiti Battle" - Hawaii

On May 30th in Honolulu, HI. I will be joining 11 other graffiti artists in the 3rd annual Estria Invitational Graffiti Battle. About every quarter decade I feel it is important for me to go back to my graffiti roots and be involved in something to fuel some fire, a battle... the sweet smell of a battle in the air. Battles, for money, fame, recognition, or fun, there is nothing I feel pushes someone more in this culture than battling! That's what hip hop is made of, and I frequently remind myself that I am a graffiti artist and hip hop is my culture, life, and love. Sometimes you just gotta get in the circle and know that you got moves that'll blow everyone away!
Since the late 80's, there was this writer "Mez", later went by "Noyse", use to want to battle because everyone wanted to know who was better...I think we battled like 3 times? Back then I didn't care who was better or had more fame, to me it was about unity and cultivating, since hip hop was scarce why beef? Since then I've been called out to battle several times, served this dude from L.A. in the mid 90's called some dudes out here and there but were no-shows, not very many people know this but "Frustr8" might have even called me out one time...yea you know what I'm talking about Frust? :P I entered a battle last year at "Crewest" for the movie "I Am Legend" ad campaign, that one took me back, didn't think I needed to battle anymore... I guess after 20 years I'm still hungry!
I remember when Me, Frust and Krime where piecing or Me, Frust and Cash were b-boying we had that fire, seeking that adrenalin rush.. you know the kind you get after servin dudes in a circle or rockin a piece that no one could touch... pieces that stay up for months! That's the feeling you can't get enough regardless of the out come of the battle, this event is sure to push me to a new level or add a chapter to this Def Con 5 saga. Two. (that means two fingers, as in peace)

Tazroc DC5

1 comment:

  1. thats too bad that you didnt peep the rules you could of made it to the finals, i talked to estria and his finalists are not only the ones to battle germany. meeting of styles is in sept in oakland. and yo whats up with that battle with frust lol that would be interesting i would be curious of each others concepts and deepness cause your both so passionate about your work. mad respect big ups.sacred soulutionheirez crew.
