Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Sid- Scene it.

Its interesting how the scene has evolved the longer you stay.All though the Portland Hip-hop scene isn't huge, but no matter what aspect of hip-hop you are immersed in there is always some type of "nature next-step" to enhancing your aspect(s) of the culture you hold near and dear. It definitely took some time to personally figure what the next step was to do. Networking is the natural step, getting your name out there as well as building upon the scene and cultivate it. I finally feel I can put myself out there and contribute, I substituted a hip-hop in Salem during the beginning of July. The only way I could experience this was by putting myself in the position and I realize how dope it is. I know I can't make an army of B-Girls and B-Boys, but I can help cultivate this relatively new to the mainstream aspect of hip-hop into all forms of dance and life. There is a "natural step" for everyone, what is/was yours?